Institution: UP - Universidade Positivo

Graduation type: Post Graduate
March, 2016 - March, 2018

Analog Electronics, Microcontrolled Platforms, Sensors and Actuators, Embedded Software Development, IT Infrastructure and Communication Protocols, Healthcare Applications, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Android - Application Development, Android - Hardware Access, Smartcities, Systems Development Web I, Web Systems Development II

Course Completion Assignment – InSense Wearable - Personal Assistant for the Visually Impaired

Institution: UNESA - Universidade Estácio de Sá

Graduation type: Post Graduate
December, 2014 - March, 2016

Analysis and Modeling of UML Objects, Software Architecture, Software Engineering and Requirements Engineering, Project Management (PMBOK), Agile Programming Methods, Software Development Metrics, IT Governance Practices, Software Quality, Software Testing and Methodology of Scientific Research

Course Completion Assignment – Software Test Automation - Tests with Selenium and TheIntern

Institution: UP - Universidade Positivo

Graduation type: Graduate
February, 2008 - December, 2011

Course Completion Assignment – HTML5 Study on the future web standard

Institution: SitePen

Graduation type: Individual course
October, 2014 - October, 2014

Workshop about DOJO toolkit development.

Institution: Aldeia Coworking

Graduation type: Individual course
August, 2014 - August, 2014

Create your own website and blog using a simple, easy and excellent aesthetic quality platform.

Institution: Aldeia Coworking

Graduation type: Individual course
August, 2013 - August, 2013

Overview about the process to create information and how to organize them

Institution: Aldeia Coworking

Graduation type: Individual course
April, 2013 - April, 2013

Institution: Aldeia Coworking

Graduation type: Individual course
July, 2014 - July, 2014

Create your own website and blog using a simple, easy and excellent aesthetic quality platform

Institution: TechResult IT Solutions

Graduation type: Individual course
February, 2011 - February, 2011

Using .NET Framework 4.0 to create application with ASP.NET MVC and WebForms

Institution: Escola Técnica Santa Clara

Graduation type: technical
January, 2005 - December, 2007

Technical knowloge on computer and information technology.